Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Advanced Technology for Building Roof Slabs

The city office of  VIKRANT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS  is under  construction at Gwalior. The area of city office is  (12.5m x 27.5m) . The head room for each floor sanctioned by the Municipal Corporation of Gwalior  is only 3  meters . As the head room is not sufficient to accommodate RCC beams  for  12.5 meter of span. Due to this problem of less head room, our students were instructed to design the structure without beams. Therefore our students gave an  innovative idea to introduce prestressed solid roof slab to solve this  problem of lesser head room. As such a solid prestressed slab has been designed giving less thickness for slab to provide efficient dimensions (i.e. minimum thickness of slab).Under prestressing the area of the concrete below neutral axis (N.A.) is also utilized fully as compared to ordinary RCC work, thus providing most economical structure with minimum dimension for required strength .      M-35 Mix design , High tension wires (HT steel ) with required sheathing have been provided. After casting the process of post tensioning have been implemented  successfully .For prestressing hydraulic jacks have  been used then the cement (OPC) slurry was injected into the hollow sheathings

The following test have been done :-
(a)    Aggregate grading test .
(b)   Impact test for coarse aggregate
(c)    Water absorption test for coarse aggregate .
(d)   Cube crushing of M-35 Mix.
It is the First  Building Constructed in Gwalior Region on the principle of prestressing, designed by our students of  M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) and checked by the Dept. of Civil Engg., VITM, Gwalior, (M.P.).

Prof. J.S. Kushwah, Head, Dept of Civil Engineering., VITM, Gwalior